You can make a difference in our community. Your donations helps our children thrive, adults improve their lives by obtaining jobs, or further education and training, and people of all ages live a healthier, happy and productive life.

100% of your donation stays local to support life-changing efforts in our community.

The United Way of Wilkes County is working to advance the common good by focusing on identified community areas of need as determined by our citizens. These areas are Crisis Intervention, Educational Advancement and Health Improvement. Our Goal is to create long-lasting changes that prevent problems from happening in the firstplace. We continue to envision a partnership with service agencies who share the dream of solving problems and enhancing the lives of all citizens of our county. We invite you to be part of the change. Together, united, we can inspire hope and create opportunities for a better tomorrow.


The United Way Campaign is the easiest and most powerful way to invest in your community. You can direct your contribution to Community Impact or you can make your investment to one of the impact areas. As always you can designate a portion of your gift to one of our thirty-one partner agencies.


You can make change happen. Get informed. Tell your friends. Write letters. Stay involved in your community. United Way needs people who are passionate.


United Way works with volunteers and local non-profits to develop the best opportunities for youth, busy working adults and seniors.